Friday, December 30, 2011

5 Months

The little lump is growing into an active, engaging little baby boy. I cannot believe how quickly and dramatically he changes - from his size to his abilities to his personality.

At 5 months there is no official weigh in with the Dr. but according to the Wii scale he's over 19lbs and my measuring tape logs 27.5in of baby. Simply put, he remains a big boy! At Christmas we visited with family and he is bigger than his 9mo old second cousin - both height and weight.

James is developing quite a personality, he likes naps, tearing apart things, sitting up and looking at the world, watching the dogs play, petting the dogs, and laughs whenever the dogs lick his feet. He also enjoys eating and grabbing at everything. He will look up at me while I'm drinking, fascinated by the disappearing liquid trick. He loves the "flying baby" game with Dad and toys, especially ones that he can manipulate to make noise/etc.

He is very close to sitting unassisted, and can for a few seconds at a time. He love to stand but needs us holding him for balance. He twists and turns and scoots and rolls all over as much as he can. James would love to crawl but hasn't got the whole system worked out yet. When on his belly he tries desperately but isn't quite strong/coordinated enough to get off the ground. We are going to have to baby proof the house soon!

I can't think of very many dislikes. He will play alone for a little while but generally doesn't like when we leave him alone in a room. He doesn't like laying down except to sleep/eat. And he gets mad if he's on his belly for too long. Also he seems to get annoyed when strangers are up in his face, especially if he's tired. Overall he is a happy little guy.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hope you have a magical day filled with happiness and wonder, friends and family, good food and great traditions!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

4 Months

James has been hanging around this world for four months. He is growing bigger by the minute it seems. He wears 9mo size clothes, can sit a few seconds on his own, and can roll over from his tummy to his back. He loves chattering nonsense, laughing at my singing and when I tickle his belly or feet, he can blow bubbles and drools non-stop. His hair is getting thicker, especially on top, and he loves watching football with Daddy. Another favorite pastime is sucking/chewing on his fingers and grabbing his feet during diaper changes. He also has discovered the joys of grabbing and moving things on the table when Mommy holds him close enough for his chubby little hands to reach things.

He dislikes being on his tummy more than about 5mins at a time and he's not overly fond of the dogs licking him but he tolerates it and he finds their other antics amusing. He doesn't like being up for more than about 1-2 hours during the daytime hours between naps but if he's well rested and has a full belly he is a pretty happy little dude.

In a few days he goes in for his 4mo appointment with the Dr and we will get his "official" stats then. I did measure him at home a few days ago and he is now 27in long and according to our scale weighs in somewhere between 17-18lbs. I expect that by 6mos he will be wearing 12mo clothes. Everyone says he will stop growing so fast after 6mos...I hope they are right because we can't keep up with the nonstop shopping!

After going to the Dr. he officially weighed in at 17lb12oz and is 27in long. He is off the chart in his height!