Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Poem to encourage laziness

That's poetry you can use!
Babies Don’t Keep
by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kids and dogs

So I'm cooking dinner. Then I realize....it's awfully quiet around here. I wander into the bedroom and see James "reading" his book, basically flipping pages and muttering nonsensical baby words, and Bingo is laying at the end of the bed. Those two are adorable.

I made yummy apple shallot pork chops too. And......that sums up my evening. I'm really glad I voted absentee since the polls looked crazy and James decided his afternoon nap was optional so he was in quite a snit most of the evening.

Instead of writing a book I decided to blog more in November. Not every day, because I know that won't happen lol. But more.

Unfortunately I don't blog a lot because ummm my life is dull.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Missing the jeans.

I feel sometimes as though I'm missing a key way of thinking or something because I just don't function like the Mom/adult ladies I know. Maybe I just know weird ladies and I'm normal? Who knows. Mom jeans. I don't have a single pair.

For example, I haven't the foggiest idea why on earth we would spend money on things like fancy Christmas outfits. It just seems like such a huge waste of money to buy, resources to make in the first place, and my time procuring those fancy clothes.  Couldn't we dress the kids (and ourselves) in any old sweater/jeans for the annual family potluck? I mean, it's not like we're going to some black tie affair.

And my house. Not decorated. I have bare walls everywhere. And also I barely put together a "nursery" and really had no driving desire to other than to designate a place for baby crap to be located.

These are things that I cannot find the energy to get excited about. I don't craft. I do like to play outside and take my kid on fun outings like the zoo.  But shopping and crafting - bleh.

It just makes it hard sometimes because I feel like I'm doing something wrong, and at best I just have nothing to add to many conversations. The consumerism, the need to get stuff - like omg play kitchens?! Who has the space and desire for a huge miniature kitchen in their house? And why can't the kid play in the real kitchen? I just don't get it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Paleo Failure

I keep eating bad food. Making myself sick. Need to restart Paleo.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1 year and more!

So James turned one....over two months ago. I got busy with stuff and, well, blogging is simply not a priority sometimes. I tend to go in bursts and stops with most things in life so it's not a big surprise my blog has the same output.

Moving along, James. Birthday was Monday, July 30 and we had a party with friends/family the day before. It was fun, exhausting and wonderful. James had a great time despite not napping well that day, however he slept like utter crap that evening due in no small part to the over-stimulation that comes with a party of 30 people. We did a sports theme, had lots of yummy food. We offered James cake and he wanted nothing to do with it. It was quite amusing actually. He got lots of presents: new clothes and toys, some books and a few stuffed animals. The weather was perfect so we had the backyard set-up for everyone. His cousins came and ran amok, chasing the dogs and each other. It was a good time.

Let's see, official stats 30.25in and 27lbs and 19in head. In his first year of life he more than tripled his body weight and grew just under 10in in length. Wowza. His growth has slowed, especially his weight, although he eats like it's his last meal. Now at 14months he is 31in tall. Not sure about weight but I'm guessing it's around 27-30lbs lol. He is starting to grow out of his 18m sized clothes and fitting into the 24m sizes!

He loves to run around, chase the dogs (and help feed them aka throw kibble at them), he loves being outside. I think he'd live out there if I let him. We definitely have to get some winter gear because I think he's going to love the snow. His favorite foods are meat and fruit. He eats some veggies, usually when that's the only thing left on his plate. And talking. Oh the talking. He says quite a few words: dog, that, yea/yes, hi, thank you, mama, dada, socks, ouch, and uh-oh/whoa. He can also sign eat and more, we're working on milk/nurse. He blabbles non-stop, and is always asking what things are with "Eh?". And it amazes me how much he can understand. I asked him to throw something away, he took it right to the garbage can. He is a little sponge!

Things he hates...diaper changes, coming inside, not getting to play on the stairs, and me/Dad leaving. All in all he's a normal toddler and we are so fortunate to have such a happy little monster.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1 - Paleo

My husband has been (mostly) following this "Paleo" diet that seems to be very popular for the past few months. There's no one definitive set of rules, but generally speaking it is no grains, no legumes, heavy on fruits, veggies, fats and fish/meats, and limit processed foods and sugars. The basic premise is that humans evolved eating certain foods and the rise of various issues, especially obesity and autoimmune disorders, is linked to poor diet especially highly processed foods so many Americans eat. If you want a better explanation I suggest a few books: Everyday Paleo, The Paleo Solution, and The Primal Blueprint. Or just google paleo and you'll get tons of message boards, blogs, etc. Different people have different takes on what is/isn't paleo so you will see sometimes conflicting information. We practice no grains, few legumes (green beans, peas and peanut butter are the exceptions we make), and lots of fresh fruits/veggies, a variety of meats and fish, and almost no processed foods or added sugars.

In addition to losing weight, Husband says he's never felt better. While I'm a healthy weight I have spent most of my life dealing with blood sugar issues, specifically reactive hypoglycemia. When I eat a lot of sugar, especially grainy carbs like bread or pasta and of course actual sugar, my blood sugar crashes and I feel terrible. If I don't eat frequently, and lots of animal protein, throughout the day I get shaky hands, foggy-headed, mood swings, and general feeling of malaise. When I limit my grain-based carbs and sugar I don't get that horrible I'm-going-to-die feeling.

While husband has been fairly strict, I've mostly been tinkering around with Paleo, following the rules some days but not others. And this past weekend I went totally off-course and had toast, beer and (gasp!) pizza. Sunday night came and I felt awful. If you read about why grains are off-limits, you will see lots of discussion about "leaky gut" and how grains basically attack our intestines. Without getting too graphic, lets just say my intestines felt attacked. I was extremely bloated and uncomfortable. So I've committed to following a strict paleo diet throughout October. I will see how I feel at the end of the month and go from there.

I plan to post somewhat frequently about how it's going, try to post my weekly meal plans and probably will post some recipes. Oh and I'm working on an update about my kid's birthday and such. He's 14m now so I'm a touch behind lol.

Today I had eggs/bacon for breakfast, along with a few bites of melon. I have some almonds and a banana for my mid-morning snack. Leftover Roast, yellow squash, salad w/ hardboiled egg and avocado, and some fruit (melon and berries) with coconut flakes for dessert. Afternoon snack is an apple with peanut butter. Dinner is apple-shallot pork chops, butternut squash and green beans.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

11 Months

He also loves feeding the dogs.
11 months old, most things have stayed the same. BUT James has started taking steps independently, began at about 10.5m and he is just getting better and better.  Still eating like a champ, loves to play outside and is getting more interested in door knobs. He tries to get the backdoor open when he wants to go outside lol.

He gets frustrated when he can't do things, especially when he's tired. He loves to be helpful and feed us. He imitates us, like brushing hair and talking on the phone. He "reads" by taking a book and babbling while flipping the pages.  He is a climber, he always is trying to get on top of things like the entertainment center! He waves now, and is typically a happy, curious little guy.

We haven't weighed/measured him recently but he's over 25lbs and somewhere between 29-30 inches. Overall growing has slowed down from the breakneck pace the first 6-9m of his life, which is a good thing. But he's already growing out of some of his 18m clothes. Next is 24m/2T! It will be interesting to see how his growth and development continues.

We decided to start trying some part time elimination communication, google it for more info. Basically it's based on the premise that humans have an innate dislike being wet/soiled and will communicate their need to eliminate. As babies they do this with facial and physical cues, as toddlers they can sign/vocalize their need. The parent's "job" is to listen to the child's cues and find them an appropriate place to eliminate.  We started noticing a pattern to his eliminations and started taking him to a child-sized toilet. We've caught some and missed some but it's a start towards transitioning from diapers to using the toilet. Most people who do EC, as it's abbreviated, start much younger but so far James is going with it. At this point we're still comfortable with using diapers most of the time. But we've found he will wake up from naps dry and we take him to the toilet upon waking and voila. Also the last few months we've noticed he will not defecate outside of the house. It is interesting and I don't know whether it's a coincidence because he typically goes early in the day when he's still at home but he hasn't had a soiled diaper out/about in months. The only exception is when he spends all day at his Aunt's house - my sister - who has babysat him since 11wk.  But he has patterns and we are working with those and learning his cues.

Overall doing great and growing fast. Next post will be about his 1yr party plans! 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cloth Diapers - Overview

In the era of green = cool, cloth diapers are very hip. So for what may the first time ever in my life, I am doing something "cool". Anyway - when I was busy growing my baby I spent a lot of time researching cloth diapers. Different types, brands, etc. I always found blogs with actual people reviewing the products and pictures of real babies wearing the diapers to be very helpful.

In an effort to hopefully help some other person in search of cloth information I figured I would post some info about my experience. Granted it's only been 11mos but I have cleared the newborn and overnight hurdles. I hope the next year-ish continues this smoothly until I get to pack up the dipes for good.

A brief overview:
- Basic types of diapers

Prefold with angel wing fold held together with a snappi
Prefolds/flats, a flat is basically a big square of cotton that is folded to fit the baby. A prefold is a piece of cotton sewn into a smaller square with a thicker middle or a "pre-folded" part (still requires minimal folding onto baby). Both require pins or a snappi to hold onto the baby and are very basic diapering, cheap, efficient and relatively easy to use once you get the hang of folding. Flats/prefolds require a waterproof cover.

Fitteds, are typically cotton or combination cotton/bamboo/hemp/etc. are shaped to fit the baby and have elastic along the leg. Some have snaps to hold it onto the baby, others do not and require pins or a snappi.  Another easy diapering option, however the type and pricing can vary greatly. There are women who make specialty fitteds that go for a lot and there are basic unbleached cotton ones that are quite inexpensive and everything in between. Fitteds require a waterproof cover however a lot of moms let their kiddos wear a fitted around the house without pants to let the bum air out a bit. The fabric is breathable but it still offers protection from baby pee over just being naked. Some fitteds are incredibly absorbent and can be worn overnight, but none are fully waterproof.

PUL cover
Wool Cover
Covers, there is a huge range of different diaper covers out there. From wool to PUL. There could be a whole post about wool covers, and PUL come in snaps or aplix. With a variety of designs and prints the options are seemingly endless. These have replaced the "rubber pants" of the days of yore.

Pockets, these diapers are a waterproof shell with a liner, typically either suedecloth or microfleece, and are stuffed with absorbent materials. A lot of the pockets come with microfiber inserts some come with bamboo or hemp inserts, a person can easily buy/use either. They are pretty straight forward, in that the diaper has an open pocket. A lot of people like that pockets can be stuffed with extra material for added absorbency for things like long car rides, overnight, etc. Pockets are waterproof and do not require a cover but do require stuffing.  

All-in-One, like the name implies this is all the pieces in one diaper. The outside is a waterproof shell, however the absorbent material is sewn into the diaper under a liner and it is all one piece. There is no need to add anything. To make things confusing, some AIOs have a pocket to add additional absorbency if desired. No cover, no stuffing, no folding, these are widely considered pretty much as close to disposable as possible. Drawbacks include long dry time and limited ability to adjust absorbancy, and some people find they don't get as clean since the diaper is all sewn together.

All-in-Two, similar to the AIO/pocket, these have an outer shell that is waterproof. However instead of a sewn in liner like the pocket, the absorbent material is placed/snapped/secured into the shell and can be changed out without dirtying the shell. People find these useful since they can buy less shells since they can be reused between washings. These also wash/dry easier since they are separate pieces. Some AI2s can accommodate disposable inserts which people feel is a better alternative to full disposables especially for travel type situations.

- Basic types of inserts

Microfiber, cheap and absorbent and relatively thin, microfiber is a widely used insert for pockets/AIO diapers. This cannot be placed against baby's skin because it is very drying. Some people do not care for microfiber because it's not a natural fiber and some have reported it can smell over time.

Hemp, very absorbent and thin, hemp is very popular for people looking for a trim insert. A lot of people use hemp as a "doubler" to add absorbancy for longer wear such as overnight or long car trip. People who seek to use natural fibers hemp is a popular insert/doubler. Hemp a lot of fluid but is slower absorbing than microfiber.

Bamboo, similar to hemp, bamboo is very absorbent and thin. Another great option for a trim insert or as a doubler. Many people report bamboo absorbs quicker than hemp but I've never tested the theory.

Both hemp and bamboo can be placed inside a pocket, cover, or AI2 since it's fine to have against baby's skin. However, most people prefer to place something, like microfleece, that wicks moisture away from baby's skin as a liner directly touching baby.

Prefolds can also be used as inserts in any diaper. While bulkier than hemp or bamboo, a cotton prefold is very cheap, absorbent and is a natural fiber.

That covers the basic overview of diapers. At some point I'll make a post with different brands, what I like and dislike

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ten Months

James turned 10 months old a few weeks ago. He is doing well and growing. Weighed at home at ~25lbs, and is able to reach things he previously couldn't so I am assuming height is increasing too.

Oh the things he can do. Crawling fast, cruising like mad around anything that will support him, walking with our help holding his hands, climbing everything, generally living up to his nickname of Destructor.

He is definitely focused on physical milestones at the moment, I imagine he will be walking in the next few weeks based on his crazy fast progress in the upright momentum area. He loves to tear things out of baskets, unroll toilet paper, unpack all 300 sandwich bags from their box, and push things - oh how he loves to push things around. Laundry baskets, stroller, high chair, books, toys, etc. We need to get him an actual push toy lol.

He still has four teeth, although I think the lateral incisors will be making their appearance soon but he's become increasingly protective of his mouth so it's hard for me to see/feel what's growing these days. But he does think me brushing his teeth before bed is hilarious and fun. Then he wants to brush my teeth which is adorable. And he actually does a decent job at getting the bristles in contact with teeth.

James taking the car out for a spin
I find it interesting to see how his food tastes are changing already. He has been on a huge meat kick lately, that and fruit are the only things he wants to eat consistently. Vegetables are for women and pansies I guess. The only thing that concerns me is he's decided to start refusing bottles while I'm at work. He will eat lots and take water from a cup so I know he's still getting nutrition but it was quite abrupt. However nursing is in no way being impacted. So I guess the bright side is, getting rid of the bottle at age one like they recommend should be easy peasy. 

We signed him up for an 8week long swim class through the rec. center. He really enjoyed it and we will probably sign up for the fall session too. 

I cannot believe he's going to be a year old soon, it went by so fast and he still seems like a baby to me. Working on planning his 1st Birthday party - that should be fun. And just enjoying watching this little person grow.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Months 8 and 9

This was written a month ago. I just now added pics and am posting. Working on a 10m update.

Well I really have been neglectful of blogging and totally missed a 8month update so I will just meld it in with the 9month one and call it a day.

Shortly after hitting 8m James started crawling. He waited until he could do the traditional hands/knees crawling before moving much. He did a little scooching here/there between 7 and 8m. He is now an adept crawler and gets to where he wants to go in a hurry.  Since he's mastered crawling he is now working on standing, and lordhelpus walking will be next. He can stand for a second or two without holding something. Sigh. My house is not baby proofed yet.

We went for his 9m checkup, he is healthy lol. Weighed in at 23lb4oz and just a touch over 29in and his head is now 18in. All good sizes apparently.

He has two bottom teeth and is working hard on cutting his top ones. You can just see the right top tooth cutting through the gum line, and I'm certain lefty is close behind.

James looooooves bath time now, although we've still been using the sink but I think it's time to move to the big bath! He has begun to hate having his diaper changed, mostly because he just has too much to do and doesn't want to stop exploring. He talks a ton, it seems he has his own little language. He is starting to say mama and dada when he's upset and wants us but it's not always to the correct parent.

He is eating like a champ and loves food. Between me/Dan there's no big surprise there!  He is getting really skilled at self-feeding too. We give him big slices of things and he just chows down.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lucky #7

So I may have neglected to post this in a timely manner. Whoops. Since he is still 7months it counts though.

No official measurements this month but he's around 22lbs and 29in. He has begun this fun trick of spinning himself in circles, he is really trying to crawl - gets up on all fours and rocks. I thought he was going to crawl the other day, he was up on all fours and kept bringing his one arm forward and back. He's close. He likes to stand too and is working on pulling himself up.

James cut his first tooth, bottom right, at about 7m1w and the bottom left now. We can see it just starting to poke through the gum line. Between the teething, the recent time change (DST) and him flipping over and trying to crawl in the middle of the night, sleep is becoming increasingly rare. I hope once he actually starts crawling he'll go back to his normal good sleeping self.

He likes to be fed table food off my finger, doesn't really care for purees, and his favorite foods thus far have been meat (both chicken and beef), sweet potatoes, hummus and avocado. He didn't care for the pureed pears I offered on Sunday but he did enjoy playing with the spoon and making a big mess.  He hasn't figured out the concept of self-feeding but I'm sure he'll get it eventually.

Separation anxiety is in full force, especially when he's overtired he gets very clingy and only me/Dan can hold him without tears. He likes other people so long as they aren't holding him. He gets overstimulated and annoyed with lots of people up in his face when we first arrive at a place but does warm up. 

James will talk on occasion and was talking a lot for a while but has quieted down as he's been working on crawling. I've read that babies will tend to work on one major milestone at a time so I'm thinking he's focused on his motor skills now. He loves to say "gagagagagagdadadadbabababba" lol. And "Ooooooooo".  He also likes to grunt a lot!

Right now the favorite toy seems to be the set of balls that have different colors and textures, one makes noise. They are great because he can hold them and bang them together, and they roll around which encourages him to work on crawling/scooting. He will push himself backwards which is quite funny because he wants to go forwards. 

He's gotten excellent at sitting and rolling. This morning he attempted to roll right off the changing table! I had just removed his diaper and he flipped himself off the edge. Thankfully I was right there to catch him but it definitely startled me and him! He is going to keep me on my toes for sure!

His hair keeps getting thicker/longer and it's a light brown with a slight curl and the ends. Dan is really hoping it's curly like his hair. His eyes are a very deep, dark blue and have been since birth. We think they will probably stay that way since they show no signs of changing.

All in all James is doing wonderful, growing like crazy and getting more active by the day...probably should work on baby-proofing the house! It's hard to believe that 7 months have passed since he arrived. I love watching him grow and become this little person.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

6 Months and counting

Some how six months have passed since little one was born. Time really flies when you're busy changing diapers! He has really changed in dramatic ways since birth, and I sometimes look at pictures and cannot believe he once was so tiny and helpless.

James is keeping up the ridiculous growth rate, and has been wearing 12mo sized clothes for a few weeks now. He began sitting independently on Jan 2 and has gotten better and sitting longer as well as catching himself before toppling over, although that still happens too. His hand/eye coordination is getting dangerously good. He grabs all sorts of things, like my cell phone, with accuracy. James can pick up smaller toys like his toy balls and he watches everything. He is working on developing his pincer grip too but is excellent at raking things to him. He talks a bit, mostly in silly babbles. Occasionally it sounds like he says real words including "Hi" and "Ma" but it's just a coincidence he's saying those sounds not actual speech. Another great improvement is he no longer despises bath time. I accredit it to his ability to sit up well since he will now sit in the bath and play with the bubbles. He has yet to have "people food" aka any solids but we will be working on letting him play with finger foods in the next month or so.

His weigh in at the doctor's office is next week, but thus far my "at home" measurements have been pretty close. He is over 28in long and at least 20lbs. I will update with an official weigh-in after his visit. EDIT: He went to the Dr, and is 21lb and 28.5in which is the 90th and 95th percentiles respectively. I'm going to have some nicely toned arms carrying this beast around!

Computer is delicious!
James still prefers nursing over bottles and will occasionally decide to refuse a bottle. He has also started resisting naps! This is making both mom/James a tad crabby. He has grown increasingly aware of the world and wants to explore everything, it would seem sleep gets in his way of fun. Thankfully he still sleeps well at night so it's just a matter of forcing him to nap when he's obviously tired.