Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ten Months

James turned 10 months old a few weeks ago. He is doing well and growing. Weighed at home at ~25lbs, and is able to reach things he previously couldn't so I am assuming height is increasing too.

Oh the things he can do. Crawling fast, cruising like mad around anything that will support him, walking with our help holding his hands, climbing everything, generally living up to his nickname of Destructor.

He is definitely focused on physical milestones at the moment, I imagine he will be walking in the next few weeks based on his crazy fast progress in the upright momentum area. He loves to tear things out of baskets, unroll toilet paper, unpack all 300 sandwich bags from their box, and push things - oh how he loves to push things around. Laundry baskets, stroller, high chair, books, toys, etc. We need to get him an actual push toy lol.

He still has four teeth, although I think the lateral incisors will be making their appearance soon but he's become increasingly protective of his mouth so it's hard for me to see/feel what's growing these days. But he does think me brushing his teeth before bed is hilarious and fun. Then he wants to brush my teeth which is adorable. And he actually does a decent job at getting the bristles in contact with teeth.

James taking the car out for a spin
I find it interesting to see how his food tastes are changing already. He has been on a huge meat kick lately, that and fruit are the only things he wants to eat consistently. Vegetables are for women and pansies I guess. The only thing that concerns me is he's decided to start refusing bottles while I'm at work. He will eat lots and take water from a cup so I know he's still getting nutrition but it was quite abrupt. However nursing is in no way being impacted. So I guess the bright side is, getting rid of the bottle at age one like they recommend should be easy peasy. 

We signed him up for an 8week long swim class through the rec. center. He really enjoyed it and we will probably sign up for the fall session too. 

I cannot believe he's going to be a year old soon, it went by so fast and he still seems like a baby to me. Working on planning his 1st Birthday party - that should be fun. And just enjoying watching this little person grow.

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