Monday, March 19, 2012

Lucky #7

So I may have neglected to post this in a timely manner. Whoops. Since he is still 7months it counts though.

No official measurements this month but he's around 22lbs and 29in. He has begun this fun trick of spinning himself in circles, he is really trying to crawl - gets up on all fours and rocks. I thought he was going to crawl the other day, he was up on all fours and kept bringing his one arm forward and back. He's close. He likes to stand too and is working on pulling himself up.

James cut his first tooth, bottom right, at about 7m1w and the bottom left now. We can see it just starting to poke through the gum line. Between the teething, the recent time change (DST) and him flipping over and trying to crawl in the middle of the night, sleep is becoming increasingly rare. I hope once he actually starts crawling he'll go back to his normal good sleeping self.

He likes to be fed table food off my finger, doesn't really care for purees, and his favorite foods thus far have been meat (both chicken and beef), sweet potatoes, hummus and avocado. He didn't care for the pureed pears I offered on Sunday but he did enjoy playing with the spoon and making a big mess.  He hasn't figured out the concept of self-feeding but I'm sure he'll get it eventually.

Separation anxiety is in full force, especially when he's overtired he gets very clingy and only me/Dan can hold him without tears. He likes other people so long as they aren't holding him. He gets overstimulated and annoyed with lots of people up in his face when we first arrive at a place but does warm up. 

James will talk on occasion and was talking a lot for a while but has quieted down as he's been working on crawling. I've read that babies will tend to work on one major milestone at a time so I'm thinking he's focused on his motor skills now. He loves to say "gagagagagagdadadadbabababba" lol. And "Ooooooooo".  He also likes to grunt a lot!

Right now the favorite toy seems to be the set of balls that have different colors and textures, one makes noise. They are great because he can hold them and bang them together, and they roll around which encourages him to work on crawling/scooting. He will push himself backwards which is quite funny because he wants to go forwards. 

He's gotten excellent at sitting and rolling. This morning he attempted to roll right off the changing table! I had just removed his diaper and he flipped himself off the edge. Thankfully I was right there to catch him but it definitely startled me and him! He is going to keep me on my toes for sure!

His hair keeps getting thicker/longer and it's a light brown with a slight curl and the ends. Dan is really hoping it's curly like his hair. His eyes are a very deep, dark blue and have been since birth. We think they will probably stay that way since they show no signs of changing.

All in all James is doing wonderful, growing like crazy and getting more active by the day...probably should work on baby-proofing the house! It's hard to believe that 7 months have passed since he arrived. I love watching him grow and become this little person.