Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Random Goings-On

I hate ironing. It is a seemingly simple task but my Husband's work shirts suck to iron and that's the ONLY thing I iron. Tonight while ironing I realized I iron left handed. Which is weird because I am right handed. This is how boring my life has become - hence the lack of blogging.

My dog is still cute and getting along better with the cats. Here's a cute picture of two of them.

The only other thing going on in my life besides animals and ironing is baby-hosting. That is going well, however at our mid-pregnancy ultrasound they discovered a few things about the baby. Measuring exactly on track, heart, lungs, etc looking good however baby has bilateral accessory renal arteries. What does that mean you ask - well apparently a standard issue human has one artery going to each kidney to 'feed' it. Our human has two arteries going to each kidney - so I've decided that means baby is super human.

Dr didn't confirm or deny this claim. However, Dr did say it's a normal variant. I guess that means it's normally abnormal lol. The only real impact at this point  is we go at the beginning of June to 'check' and make sure that the extraneous arteries aren't causing any issues - which is a very minuscule possibility. Dr seemed like it was zero concern so that's how we're going to proceed. Plus we get to see the baby an extra time which is kind of fun. Oh and we found out the baby is a BOY! Husband continues to insist the baby looks like him based on the ultrasound photos.

My belly is also growing in relation to this continued gestation. Next week is 24 weeks which marks "viability" basically it's the time at which our chances become greater than 50-50 that baby would survive if born. Obviously we're planning on keeping him inside for much longer....like 16 weeks longer.  I would really appreciate if baby chooses to make his arrival on his due date. I've planned things around that date so it would be helpful. Anyhow - here's a pic of my growing midsection just ignore the messy room.

And the last bit of 'fun' that's up and coming in my life - in 3 weeks I get to do my gestational diabetes test. Woohoo! This basically consists of me drinking a premeasured sugar drink and them (the vampires) taking my blood exactly one hour afterward to see how my body reacts.

The only other 'sugar' testing I've had was purely a fasting blood test and it was perfect so I'm hoping I have equally good results from this test. Since gestational diabetes rarely has signs/symptoms it's something the medical-types make all pregnant ladies undergo. You want to see what I get to drink????
 Bingo says "Looks delicious Mom!"

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